Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi

by Fred Curry

I remember the days of the Pepsi challenge. Can you pick the difference. I could 99 out of 100 times (actually all the time but no one likes a braggart). I had drank enough Diet Coke that it is etched into me so far that I’d rather drink water than Diet Pepsi. Even the smell of a freshly pored Diet Coke in all its fantastic bubblyness (I think I just made a new word) makes me smile.

What do you think my life would be like if I dove into the word of God with that gusto. I believe I would hear His voice and see the path that he has laid out before me. I’m not saying my life would be trouble free but I would have God preparing my path, even in the valley of death (which is an actual place) I would truly fear no evil.

So take a look at yourself. What can you pick 99 out of 100 times. If it’s not God then I suggest to you that like myself need to Immerse ourselves into the word of God, pray like it’s the air we breath and associate with like minded people until we hear and sense His guidance and presents around us.

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