Message from Rodney

I\’m writing to ask you to help out as we begin to head back to church.  I know that many, or should I say most of you, have made it clear that you aren\’t ready to go back.  I understand that and to be honest there\’s a big part of me that is right there with you.  But I think I have come up with a plan that will make us all feel safe.  The plan is to return to worship on September 6.  

We will still have sanitation stations and be socially distanced.  A few changes this time is, we will have congregational singing with the understanding that people will wear their masks and we will not be taking temperatures this time.  There will be no greeters or ushers – we just ask that you come in and find your spot and feel free to visit from your seats while masked and socially distanced.

The big change is we will have two services.  They will be identical services. What we are requesting of you is that you will let us know which service you plan to attend.  The first service will be at 9:30 and the second at 11 AM

Please email the church office or Sara so that we can put together lists and have an idea as to who will go to which service.  

The Church email is

Sara\’s email is

As always we will still have the service on Facebook and the church website.  And anyone who still prefers to watch from home is encouraged to worship online.  This is just my opinion, but online is best for people who are at high risk as well as members that don\’t like wearing masks or social distancing.  I look forward to seeing you all again.  Let\’s remember to care for each other as a way of practicing Christian hospitality.

 Rodney Porter