Prayer Chain

Will you be loyal to the Methodist Church, and uphold it by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?

I will.

At Striplin Terrace we have seen prayer make a difference in people’s lives! Prayer is an important part of our worship, our church activities, and our daily lives. As individuals, we pray for our church and about everything. When a concern or crisis arises, or when we want to give praise, we have many ways to pray together as a church family. We have spoken, unspoken, and intercessory prayers during our worship services and small group meetings. We publish lists of prayer requests from our congregation and others. We have an active prayer chain.

Here’s how it works:

To start the prayer chain, contact Barbara Kimbro or the church office with a request for prayer. Barbara will send out the email prayer requests and Sandi Sansbury will send out the telephone prayer chain. Email prayer requests go out as soon as possible. The phone message typically comes around 10 am except on Sundays, when it comes around 2 pm. Sometimes urgent info or updates will come on the phone at other hours. All prayer requests go on both phone and e-mail prayer chains. Your request will go to our network of Prayer Warriors.

You have the opportunity to become part of our prayer chain if you aren’t already. Right under the Prayer Needs section on the back of your Connections Sheet it says “Please send me updates to the email prayer chain or the phone prayer chain.” Just check the appropriate box and make sure you’ve legibly written your current phone or email contact info on the front of the Connections Sheet. Then pray for the needs as they come over the prayer chain. It’s that easy.