Interest in Joining?

How can I become a part of the Striplin Terrace Church family?

If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you can become a part of the Striplin Terrace family in one of three ways.

If you currently are a member of a Methodist Church and have moved to our area, we would be happy to arrange for your membership to be transferred.

If you are currently a member of a church of another denomination, we would be happy to arrange for your membership to be transferred.

If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, but have never formally joined a church, we would be happy to accept you into our congregation on profession of faith.

What if I’m not sure if I am a Christian?

The decision to become a Christian is the most important thing you’ll ever have to decide. If you’re not sure if you have, or would like to be certain, please see Christianity 101 You’ll learn about having a relationship with God.

I already participate in Striplin Terrace, why should I become a part of the faith family?

While you may choose to participate on a regular basis without becoming a full part of the Striplin Terrace family, you will miss the joy and accountability that comes when you formally and officially say, “This is my church family. I want everyone to know that this is where I am planting my life as a believer.”